this mfer drinkin scroat milk ππΉπ³
the hot dog king
- We all have one big 12-story bunkbed and I'm climbing up the giant ladder and yelling, "moooooooommmm!!! Come tuck me in!!!!!"
- a fortune cookie with a picture of her inside :)
- [quote=toilet%20man;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fit-s-big-sister-time-slight-return%2Fposts%2F12614] [img][/img] [/quote] It's big sister time
- my favorite was Legend of Mana :) [img][/img]
- [quote=meowkittens6;%2Fbloards%2Fitsgood%2Ftopics%2Fgou%2Fposts%2F12513] Gou [/quote] Gou
- I'm gonna post in it anyway π
- and now i lay me down to beep and pray the bloard my posts to keep if i die before i wake i pray the bloard my posts to take
- [quote=moog;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Finterruption-in-production-schedule%2Fposts%2F12363] bloard [/quote] that's right
- [b]S[/b]uckinon my[b]T[/b]itties lik[b]E[/b]you're wantin[b]M[/b]ecallinme
- Five score years ago a great Antmerican in whose symbolic shadow we stand today signed the Antmancipation Proclantation. This momantous decree is a great beacon light of hope to millions of Ants who had been seared in the flames of withering antjustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their cantivity. But 100 years later the Ant still is not free. One hundred years later the life of the Ant is still badly crippled by the mantacles of antregation and the chains of discriminantation. One hundred years later the Ant lives on a lonely antland of poverty in the midst of a vast antcean of manterial prosperity. One hundred years later the Ant is still lantguished in the corners of Antmerican society and finds antself in exile in his own land. So wo '''<' come hf'rP torlay to r1r.amatize a s,hameful antdition.
- [img][/img] [img][/img]
- [youtube][/youtube] i play this game every couple years i love it
- i took some exams today & i hope i made As!!
- [img][/img] happy saturday night bloard