- this sh*t just gets me so chiilllll☺☺☝ [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7vWLz9iGsk[/youtube]
- Jerry doesn't know that many numbers, he was using a dictionary.
- Thought you could trick me, huh? Unbelievable. Yeah, you're cursed. Good luck trying to get out of my curse. You're stuck with it.
- [quote=d_____________________________________b;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fnew-year-boons-curses%2Fposts%2F8290] any boons or curses left to pickup ? 😁 [/quote] Boon: A mystical Phoenix may land on your arm someday.
- [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/293/690/6c7.jpg[/img]
- A curse for Jerry: You will need to eat from the Pig's Trough for the rest of the year, with the hogs. A boon for Kingdad42: You are immune to Jerry's Curses.
- I'm feeling optimistic about this one. But it could turn sour like old milk pretty fucking fast. That's my prediction.
- cool thread... think i'll just mosey on in lmfao... fuck you... [img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/794/41300855812_c57eb53e67_b.jpg[/img]
- I'm taking a little bit of Christmas Cheer for myself anyways.
- There's only one Bloardman. Positions are still open for Bloardwoman and Child of Bloard though.
- ask zwarte piet for one im sure he can help you out #christmasmiraclenetherlands
- I'm back a year later and this is a new me: Your tradition sucks ass!
- his fat ass flies so fast because mrs klaus is about to throw out his golf clubs and beer while hes gone LMFAO
- English States (only for freaking England, i KNOW what the united king dom is so PLEASE just let me post in peace): Fiddleferry Sconcey-Doo Shrups Glosdenderry Yorkshire London Hilldrubsy Crontenshire The Hill Country how many did I get?
- i forget if i added you already bug deal but we should play smash brothers
- She won't, and I don't blame her. This place is a real sty. Sometimes I wonder if I'm on bloard or in a freaking insanes asylum around here. This place might actually be freaking crazier!
- It's alright. We need a sheriff to clean things up around here.
- i once had a dream as a kid i was walking down a long hallway and at the end of the hall the closet door swung open and a rabbit in overalls walked out, ran up to me, and started punching me in the face. i was screaming and screaming and he kept punching me and i woke up with a bloody nose really awful dream to tell you the truth
- getting "hair" cut is the act of cutting the many, which have formed into one entity it is grammatically correct, because i freaking said so
- they call it acid because it eats away at your brain and makes you stupid as hell, smoke some mother freakin w33d d00b1es instead!!!!
- I look back and forth before realizing that there's no way around this. One clear option remains... and I'll just have to be a man and take it. Immediately, I break both my ribs and begin sucking my own dick, much to my captor's delight. I don't want to do this, but the act helps me to slip out of my chains, which I quickly tie around my abdomen to hold my ribs together while I kick the guy to death and pull out the key that he has hidden up his ass. I unlock the door and escape... but barely. The secrets of what happened within that dungeon will stay with me forever... and only me. Nobody else needs to know.
- [quote=kingdad42;%2Fbloards%2Fawareness_and_activism%2Ftopics%2Feveryone-give-me-a-plus-in-this-thread%2Fposts%2F1542] Everyone give me a + on this post, please plus me [/quote]
- Gonna go with Joup or Wowneat. They're probably teaming up to synthesize new smells.