Forge a survey that says 95% of hot people say that 'famous boarder' is the first thing they look for in a partner.
dick chappy
A technoboy From cradle to grave.
- Maybe some bloard merchandise like a novelty hat that says 'bloard to the bone'
- I see. Two very good cryptids! But have either of you heard about the Loveland frog?
- Please discuss your faviroute cryptids and explain why you like them!
- Ants have always rubbed me the wrong way. They're kind of snooty and don't let me in on their jokes 😤
- Once every two or three days, as if on queue I manage to convince myself that I'm bloardman when in reality I'm just some newbie bloarder 😅
- A bloard for confessing to embarrassing things you do (or have done). Maybe other bloard users can console you, but this is a no tease zone so no cruel judgment!
- A written thesis discussing the possibility that bloard is a hive mind.
- Opinions on the math bloard? I think maths is for squares
- Ok![quote=kingdad42;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fbloards-threads-to-avoid%2Fposts%2F5149] Just look at my posts and click +1. That's how you bloard. [/quote]
- I've visited once and even had a go myself, haha I'm pretty crazy [quote=pigfoot_vermont;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fbloards-threads-to-avoid%2Fposts%2F5064] i would also stay away from the swearing thread full of swearers and sinners [/quote]
- Hi guys! I'm new to bloard and was wondering if there were any Bloards or threads I should be wary of. Thanks in advance for all of your help!