all hornyposts will be put in the cringe bloard to be mocked by the enlightened bloarders who have self castrated to clear their minds from the corrupting influence of hornyness
welcum to my realm
- no fatties aloud. i only game with buff guys with oiled abs and big dicks
- what if we had a bloarder as president of the european council. the uk wouldnt leave if a cool bloard guy was running things
- [youtube][/youtube]
- Saturday night and we in the bloard Don't believe me just watch (come on)
- funny to see you posting about pie when im jacking off at the gym
- me at the park [img][/img]
- [img][/img]
- [img][/img] hey bloardman's gf here, this is me. btw you guys look cool hehe 💅
- yea..i heard of bloard. died back in 2014, ddosed by russian spambots
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fwhats-up%2Fposts%2F2030] what was his name lol [/quote] dereklaserbeam iirc
- we will build a cyberwall to keep out redditards and 4chan
- if you post your pw in bloard it'll automatically get filtered: ********
- *starts pooping in the sand box*
- bloard needs anti doping committee to prevent unscrupulous posters from getting unfair +1 advantage under the influence of nugs