What do you guys do to keep yourselves sane and happy? i like to wander nature and reflect on my many accomplishments, while also relaxing to the gentle breeze.
here's a pic of me for reference: [img]http://i.imgur.com/Qq2kP38.png[/img]
- three meals a day, every day... it's the hillips way here's me: [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/e6794f859364d4d3193b9117cd5f48d1/tumblr_npcj2acnCo1qzqujdo1_250.jpg[/img]
- Thuperb ? bloard #1 ok, Sky #1 study it. Nephology. this ? deserves much thought. The greatest literature generally points into nice tight moist pussy, "nice" might be a redundancy tight moist pussy, ok, better realize yr a lucky guy I know I'm a lucky guy, before bloard I was pretty sure, now I accept it whole heartedly ok stallion, that's all this fag has to offer at the moment [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkBgwDx5Nx4pshIYPbomX0yxUz0Dy5Vx48CsoswRY81onIELEh[/img] Good Faith