I'm sure you all know the old adage "bloard before you tweet". It pleases me to announce this new thread for brainstorming hot takes on current events. Feel free to post your ideas for hot takes, even if they're not quite ready yet for prime twitter.
If a tweet shows promise, and pertains to events unfolding on twitter, you owe it to yourself, and to your bloard, to try and make it the best tweet it can be. Get a little feedback from your peers here at awareness and activism bloard. Remember the difference between a good tweet and a great one is subtle. There's no way to define greatness, just that you know it when you see it.
If you don't see greatness in an tweet you're working on, you should post the tweet here anyway. There's a chance one of your peers here at awareness and activism bloard might be able to see the greatness that is hidden from you. Sometimes a simple change of perspective can make all the difference.
With a spirit of friendliness and collaboration I invite all fellow bloarders to join in the discussion. I only ask that the trolls among us (They know who they are!) defer judgement on the tweets presented here. Remember, this space is for brainstorming, not for the presentation of fully formed tweets. Similarly, I would invite all posters to post without fear of "fail" or of "getting owned". We must crawl before we walk, and dream before we can fly.
Friends, come fly with me.
- home
- awareness_and_activism
- brainstorming fresh hot takes on current events
- ok here an idea for a tweet: [i'm at the complainant counter for this tweet] "here's my complaint; my wife is a slut."
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fawareness_and_activism%2Ftopics%2Fbrainstorming-fresh-hot-takes-on-current-events%2Fposts%2F2711] ok here an idea for a tweet: [i'm at the complainant counter for this tweet] "here's my complaint; my wife is a slut." [/quote] lol
- "catch me on bloard, how bout dat"
- ^ glad to see you followed through with that one jerry
- workshopping it first really helped, thanks everyone ☺
- home
- awareness_and_activism
- brainstorming fresh hot takes on current events