Infinite jest definitely in my top 10 favorite english works, and i think the pale king was on track to be even better (qepd). dfw did what pynchon never 채ㅕㅣㅇ oops switched to korean accidentally. dfw did what pynchon never could w/ his big sprawling works. mostly due to the fact that he learned from pynchon's errors. i'm currently reading harry potter
That's dope dude. What's your workout routine?
Still reading I. Jest, been SUPER busy this week so not much time to get much further. I'm also an extremely slow reader (which is why I'm also such a terrible poster)f.
DIdn't work out today, going to go hAM tomorrow. Will Keep y'all bl@rdxrs updated. Thanks.
- Hello, Currently I'm Unironically reading [i]Infinite Jest[1][/i]. I'm about 70 pages in (including its infamous footnotes) [Kindle version - I"m not carrying around a fucking thousand page book. Actually I'm reading it on my ipad[2], it's super useful because i can also carry all of my music on it and my teaching materials as well, so that i can just pull up whatever i feel like working on with a student wherever i am and print it out so they can have a copy without forcing them to buy a book or needing to remember to print out a bunch of shit 20 minutes before a lesson and end up getting there to the studio late and then i'm scramblin' to teach them some new BS before the next student shows up and i have to cut their time short as well-- you have to be on time with these soccer moms and shit. So anyway I'm reading the footnote compliation of the Incandenza father's filmography (James iirc - my ipad is charging and i don't feel like looking at it rn). I had to put it down because I had to pee, and decided that a pee break was a good time to start a thread about books and workouts. But anyway yeah really good book. I used to hate reading. I think that's turning around. Short blurb - also been listening to Nietzsche on Audible, currently plodding through The Gay Science. It's alright. If you've read/listened to it i don't really need to talk about it. I like the narrorator's voice. (The guy who narrated Kierkegaard's [i]The Concept of Anxiety[/i] sucked ass, couldn't finish listening to it) Current workout reoutine: I'm on a full week rotation rn: Arms, core, legs, Arms, core, legs, Rest day. Repeat. I will switch it up occasionally and I try to vary my actual exercises. For example I won't do leg press 3 leg day's in a row, i'll instead vary whatever I'm doing. It keeps it interesting. For example this week I'm trying farm carries for the first time instead of shoulder shrugs, but will also work on my grip strength, (which is already rock solid as i'm an upright bass player). It's kind of hard because my local Planet Fitness gets chock full of highschool students bumbling around because it's down the street from the local HS, and for some reason they're still there 3 hours later at 530 when i come after work. Like wtf kids don't you have homework? get lost. Honestly though I have no idea what i'm doing haha. But i'm not as disgusting as I was a year ago. Feel me? I skipped today however, Sunday is normally my rest day but I think i'm going to do a combined core-leg day because i've been eating a lot this week. I'm not on any specific diet, no protein shakes, no BCAAs etc etc. No creatine. Honestly this is just more about being in shape in general, not bulking or building, yeah? ANy suggestions about workout routines? What books are you reading (or listening via your Amazon®️ Audible™ app)? [1]Infinite Jest Paperback – November 13, 2006 by David Foster Wallace (Author) 3.9 out of 5 stars 1,250 customer reviews Paperback: 1079 pages <- I have the kindle version, don't know how accurate this is Publisher: Back Bay Books; Anniversary edition (November 13, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 0316066524 ISBN-13: 978-0316066525 [2] a family memeber gave me their 7-year old ipad for christmas. still works damn well. battery don't last too long tho.
- Hello, I just wanted to say thank you all for another successful year of somehow remaining relevant, or at least not letting the domain name expire. It's been over half a decade since the original Bloard incarnation hit the 'net. Can you believe it! So many posters come and gone, amongst the notable being Treebro (QEPD), Dril, Virgin, Dogboner, Thrush, Skylark*, dinosaurjerk, Brendle, and leh0n (QEPD). It's been a mild ride, with occasionally the wind bringing in some post-trash occasionally, with a moderate dusting of humour, enough to make one accidently sneeze a chuckle or, at best, a "heh." But it's a marvel how far we haven't come nor gone-- we've been the same. And that's more than many places can say. Why, both Reddit and the *chans have been shitted up by fucking boomers and r/The_Donald so much, that it's almost unbelievable. But, Bloard -- now [i]there's[/i] an immovable [i]lump of shit[/i], eh? Almost makes one proud. Anyway, you probably are expecting a terrible post coming from me, so here it is. Enjoy it. [*] I recently hung out with a friend in CLE (well, Lakewood to be specific, but that's like splitting the difference between Irving Park and O'Hare), who got me up to date on some happenings on the Pink Fora. He mentioned Skylark made a big transformation, and that the Pink Fuckers were actually accepting-- excepting Barnacle Jim of course (my friend told me about the "bolt-ons" joke-- Wahaha! What a jerk!!).
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fnew-meme-exe%2Fposts%2F4073] [img]https://i.imgur.com/drnERzN.jpg[/img] [/quote] To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
- [img]https://i.imgur.com/a51ZTuD.png[/img] HEY MORTY *BRRRAAAAPP* WE NEED TO MAKE A NEW MEME *BBRRRRRRRTTTT*
- *rift in spacetime opens up and wowneat69 walks through mid sentence* ...like i said i was cracking open a cold one with the boys why doing curls with by bloard bitch sucking on my hog.... *rift opens on other side of room and disappears into it*
- i'm really sad. always really sad. but most of you knew that.
- *spends 20 minutes labouriously weighing the internet-social consequences of ironically agreeing/disagreeing with the OP* Edit: Y'know I think i'm going to sit this one out.
- [quote=jerry;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fyoshifanatic1488%2Fposts%2F2241] yoshi's island was probably the best game ever made [/quote]
- *frantically writes all these good tips down on the back of my school binder* maybe i wont be a failposter forever after all...
- I have a .22 rifle, a hunting bow +quiver with razorheads, blast knuckles with fresh batteries, 3 katanas, and a Hylian Shield replica made of hardwood that I can wear on my arm or sling over my back. My martial arts experiences include my Blue Belt at Tiger ((Shulman's)) Karate and 2 PE credits from applied Tai Chi Quan... Plus watching a lot of kung-fu movies and fighting games. My defense rating is at least 6/10. I've never been beaten up or knocked out and the last fight I got into was with a 6'2 meathead that ended after a headbutted him in the eyesocket.
- Since the Real Life immigration ban is very very popular in real life thanks to President Donald Drumpf, I suggest we implement our own Board Immigration Ban ourselves to prevent really shit posters from posting in our Bloard. Those who agree, please +1 this post, those who oppose, please state why you support Shit fucking posters coming in Ruining this great fucking place please ( I will not hesitate to flame you)
- We, The Bloarders, Will NOT stand for Terrible Posts made By Shitty Posters We DEMAND: 1. A Minus Button for Bad Posts and Shit Comments 2. A SLAM button To slam Shitlords who Bad Post 3. Anonymous Commenting Mode To Protect Are Identities When Discussing Antifa Materials (important for Freedom) and if these Demands Are Not Met We Demand President Leh0n To Step Down From Bloard President Position We Are The Posters, We Have The Power #notmybloard
- Hello and thank you for clicking on this thread, it's come to my attention that there's been an absolute flood of Fake Threads since a bit before the Bloard President election. I would ask that any and all Fake Threads be reported to the admin (@leh0n) or myself so we can remove these Fake Threads and continue to promote and +1 in Real Threads. Please be aware that Fake Threads hurt Bloard's reputation as a wonderful discussion venue and great place to just Chill. Thanks for your cooperation. -W. Neat
- question: do I have to go to the bathroom, or am i presently relieved? j/w
- *shuffles uncoformtably deciding which irony parity to respond with*
- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ELECTION OVER |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| WOW! What a race!!! Congratulations to Mr Donald Trump on becoming Bloard President!! Quite the feat considering he didn't post ITT lol!!! May you Make Bloard Great Again as your slogan says Mr Trump😁😁😁 PLEASE DIRECTLY CONTACT EITHER leh0n OR MYSELF FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Thanks for all who participated-- you're the ones who make Bloard a good place to be! |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| THREAD LOCKED --- PLEASE NO MORE POSTING THANKS |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- To enter the Bloard Presidential Race, simply POST ONCE IN THIS THREAD. IF YOU POST MORE THEN ONCE YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE RACE OK. To vote, simply give ONE AND ONLY ONE +1 TO THE POSTER OF YOUR CHOICE. Person with most +1's will be given access to site by leh0n, no questions asked. NO RIGGING, NO COLUSION, I'M WATCHING LIKE A HAWK Good Luck and May the best Poster win!!😁
- please signal boost this dying website https://bloard.com/topics/new
- [voice over] it's me bitch... +1 if you get the reference☝
- HOnestly I'm not too much, not many good threads to ruin lately...😎
- *peeks into thread* ....Yipes!! What A Trainwreck... *quickly closes thread*
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Finvestment-ideas-thread%2Fposts%2F1133] 😐🐔 💷😐 😐 🐓 💷 😐 😐 🐓💷 😐 😐 💷🐓 😐 😐 💷 🐓 😐 😀💷 🍗☺ [/quote] i see this has obsoleted the beloved :animals-chickencatch: emoji the Bloard of the Future is finally here
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Finvestment-ideas-thread%2Fposts%2F1125] pump and dump mmy friend... [/quote] i was asking advice about stocks, not your mom!!👉👌😂
- I've been reading up on investing, since I finally have a couple of extra bennie's to toss around. I've been thking about buying some EFT's and some stock, advice would be great! First stock I'm buying is 69 shatres of Bloard of of course haha👌 Any additional thoughts or comments?
- i'd play fast and loose with my posting, but i'm not very fast, just extremely loose👈👈👏
- [quote=hillips;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fit-s-time-for-a-new-thread%2Fposts%2F1099] cant wait for it to be time for a new thread again... [/quote] dont get your hopes up lol!
- [quote=bloardman;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fit-s-time-for-a-new-thread%2Fposts%2F1096] bloard doesnt see race [/quote] 🍔
- So many epic posters flushed down the turlet over the years, metaphorically speaking. It's a true shame the shitty posters like me stick around instead of them. Sad!
- Aha, yes! *reads each new post diligently while stroking beard* yesss....
- Wow! New Thread time! Alright!, We love our new threads here on bloard! Yes! Maybe someone will post in this one to break up the monotony of Zero Posts per Day. Yes! I Love these Threads!!