Errr, uhhh, oooooh, ueroooh OK!!! I'll stay!!! I mean how can one deny a medical excuse?
How can I join anything with such a silly name like "Twitter" Bloard motherfucker Bloard N*gga!!
Fuck Yeah, so nice to see you again Joop kingdad42 BB Thank-You BD!!! hillips that's a dope alien hieroglyphic w/ a Bob Marley spliff!!! bloardman, well you know, Yr bloardman. YES Sir!!!
- Can you exercise negative capability and become milonakis for a moment so us newbies know of what you speak of? How was he tight and on point? Who's gnu bloard and who's old? Je suis nous
- That's a super cool dream. In Freuds dream lectures he talks a lot about houses, in Jung's Memories, Dreams, and Reflections he has a dope house dream, where he goes deep in the basement and excavates treasures of the collective unconscious.
- Cock Balls Asshole Cost Benefits Analyses we needed a meeting that's all reorganize get our shit together recognize!! See now BB has an art show Good meeting fellas, any last words?
- I hopes you create the meaning in my posts. I get a lot out of them and that's what really matters. If I were to take all the bloarders into account with every post I'd definitely be a genius, but since I'm not I hope to find what meaning other bloarders find in my posts. Together we CAN!!!! FUCK YEAH!!! BEER!! POTATOES< APPLE FUCKIN PIE ON A CORAL REEF OF PSYCHEDELIC TRANSPERANCY!!!!
- [quote=kingdad42;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fgute-nacht-bloardies%2Fposts%2F414] i dont know but it relly grinds my gears!!!! 👿 [/quote] egocentric assholes!! Sorry man you might be Germasian? Not that you need a label, I will never again be this or that.
- [quote=dereklaserbeam;%2Fbloards%2Fgbs%2Ftopics%2Fasl%2Fposts%2F412] I've been to nh before!!!! 38/m/nc [/quote] Live Free or Die!!! I've experienced the mountains and blue skies of Cakalaki!!! I'm a lucky guy!!
- Baking soda and something else, pay back dem student loans quickly!