I was makin out with this pretty hot girl, maybe African American, and just "read" in freuds dream lectures I listened to on my walk back from the central library (6miles at least) where I got Deleuzes book "Foucault", Foucault, the order of things, think fast and slow a book about the psychology of economics, a book about economics written by a psychologist and did you know Adam Smith who wrote Wealth of Nations was a Scot professor of moral philosophy and good friends with Hume?, but in the freud book he speaks about 4 characteristics of dream, condensation distortion allusion and symbolism, so in condensation one thing can represent a few things, so then the chick I was making out with I think represented 2 chicks, but then
guess who was in the dream? the ex-lady, (in almost all my dreams) she was in it and we were having a good time, then she had to leave, but said she was going to leave her body there and I was like Yes! I didn't even know that was possible and her body was a wild woman with a fairly different personality and we had the best time of my life. Just read in Proust about german literature and the varieties of onanism, then in the freud lectures on dreams he says onanism! like never!! then one day after the next?
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