Slothrop is a bad ass dude in Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow, a like 700 pg encyclopedic comedic pornographic dope novel, which is why the task of the essay is daunting to me, having to reread GR And write about it, nomadic post-humanistic ecology is deleuze which be why it's even more daunting, but right now i'm in the middle, lower middle of a 7-10 book novel w/ each book about 5-600 pgs, And I want to do an essay about Slothrop and Brother Tod Clifton from Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man and writing an album inspired by Derrida Deleuze Nietzsche and the Gospel according to Sri Ramakrishna w/ the tentative title, PussyFreak Deep in Hot Bitches, so please my compassionate friends, wish me fuck!!!
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